Sunday, December 13, 2009

A quiet Saturday at home for mom!

Today John took Charlie & Annie out to do some Christmas shopping and run some errands. Audrey and I had a great afternoon. While Emily napped she and I made some Christmas goodies together. She is getting to be such a big girl and helper. A friend brought us matching aprons and she loved wearing them!

Tonight a friend that John plays basketball with invited John and the kids to a Christmas program with a special guest. The kids had a the best time and loved getting to meet Santa. Emily and I just hung out at home together - okay, really she slept, and I picked up for a little bit, took a nice long shower and laid in bed watching tv and read a book!

John has been so wonderful these last few weeks, he has been taking the kid out a ton and running all the errands for me! I am so blessed that he is involved so much with the kids, he works so hard all week and still makes sure he spends most of his free time with the kids!

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