Monday, December 7, 2009

Snow Day!

It is cold here! Yep, cold enough that when it started raining this morning it was snow! It is the first time it has snowed here since we have had kids! They loved it. They all got out their coats and found gloves and were outside playing in it! It was awesome to see them so excited about it!

After the snow I headed out with all 4 kids (Charlie has had a cold so I kept him home from school just to give him another day to get over it – we don’t need anything worse at home right now!) I dropped the 3 older kids off at my moms and headed over to the doctors with Emily. Her billi is still high today so we will keep her on the billi blanket and try again tomorrow to see if her levels have dropped.

The blanket is this pad attached to a 4 foot hose that when turned on is a photo therapy device to help the body break down the billiruben in babies. There is a cover that goes over the pad and wraps under Emily’s arms. She just lays in her diaper and then we swaddle her over the pad. At night it is cool because she glows blue!

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