Saturday, December 5, 2009

We survived our first night as a family of 6!

I know people always say they have a great baby, but we really do! Emily is amazing and Charlie, Annie and Audrey are being so wonderful it is going well 24 hours into this!

The kids all love to sit and hold Emily. They don't understand why she sleeps so much and they can't play with her yet but I am sure it will all come. Emily slept great the first night home, she only woke up once or twice and both times I had to rouse her so I could try to feed her. It made it nice to feel rested so I could interact with the other kids and spend time with them.

We have been so blessed to have such amazing friends. I have had friends bringing in dinner since Monday night and they have signed up (a friend coordinated this calendar) for another whole week!!) It has been so nice to not worry about cooking and we are just using paper plates so it is making life so smooth!

Today while the kids were outside riding bikes and scooters Annie fell off her scooter and face planted it! She is going to have a doozie of a scab on her nose, lip, and chin - luckily she is fine, just a little banged up!

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