Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Night!

We had a great Halloween. It was a cold & wet fall night here in Sacramento but that didn't stop the kids from trick or treating or having a great time.

Charlie was a soldier. We got out John's old camo stuff from when he was a kid and it all fit Charlie perfectly. He was so funny that night. He came home and said some of the kids didn't think he had the best costume. So I asked him who they thought did and he said they each thought theirs was the best. I then asked him who he thought was the best and he said his. I think he finally got that everyone picked the one they liked the best!

Annie was a princess bride. We had gotten her Barbie princess Diamond Castle (yes that is a mouthful) that she had worn the week before but it ripped and you have to love Costco. Friday Morning after gymnastic we ran over to Costco and they were willing to exchange it for us. They didn't have her pink costume in her size so she picked the white one. I will admit I think she looks beautiful!

Audrey was Raggedy Ann. My mom made the outfit for Annie when she was 2 and it fit Audrey perfectly this year. She got tons of compliments and was adorable it (all of the older people gushed over it as she trick or treated at their house!)

Apparently we live on popular trick or treating street in our neighborhood (or at least on the same street as the neighborhood Haunted house) so we had tons of trick or treaters this year. The kids all loved trick or treating with their friends. As we started walking down the street we met up with about 4 families with friends of our kids so we all walked together. It was so much fun to see the older 1st grade boys running from house to house together and then Annie and a little friend that walked with her and an older sister of one of Charlie's friends and had the best time. Audrey would take turns going from adult to adult and loved it. About half way through our trick or treating we met up with Dante & Marissa and her nieces and nephews and had a great time all together! Audrey loved it when Dante would carry her from house to house.

Really it was a great evening, and the rain that fell off and on didn't seem to bother anyone.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Whirlwind of a week

Seriously, I know I say this all the time but oh my, life is busy! Good, great even, just busy. I can't believe I haven't posted since last week but.... on Wednesday afternoon John came home sick with a nasty stomach bug. Well sure enough, I woke up that night at 2:00 in the morning with it and then Charlie woke up with it the next morning. (Poor guy missed picture day!) Luckily Audrey didn't get it, (we think Annie had it earlier in the week - she had gotten sick a few times on Monday).

This last weekend was great though, John took me out for my birthday and we got all dressed up and had a great time. This week on my birthday John brought home IN & OUT (My all time favorite) and he and the kids made me a cake! On Sunday was the kids primary program at church and they did a great job (even though it may have been the longest primary program I have ever seen in my then 32 years!).

This week may have been one of the busiest of our lives with kids so far. Seriously, here is recap of our schedule:

Chore & Laundry day
C- Taekwondo

Annie Preschool
Mom's birthday

A & A Music Makers
McDonalds Playdate
Annie Playdate at our house
PTA Meeting
BBsit Ayden
C- Taekwondo

Annie Preschool
Bbsit for Helen
Mom's friend Jackie over
Annie playdate with Gracie
tiger cub scout meeting

Annie Gymnastics
Mom Dr.
PTA Movie night

Now I know you are all thinking this isn't that much but I did have to do a ton of prep work for some of this stuff. Charlie just started Tiger Cubs this week and I am going to be his den leader. I am really excited but my knowledge of how boy scouts works is nil so I had to do a bunch of research to bring myself up to speed. Also I am trying to do a fundraiser at Charlie's school for the PTA so I did a bunch of research on how to do a cook book. (It should be neat though!)

Really our life is going well so I can't complain, but let me tell you I am so looking forward to a relaxing weekend with out rushing off to something. (I think the kids are too!!!!)