Sunday, November 30, 2008


At least for the next two days!

So last week I finally gave in and read Twilight (in less than 24 hours)! It is slightly addicting for some reason, really I can't believe I am reading a book about a vampire & really no one told me there were also werewolves in it! So with that said I finished New Moon yesterday and I am almost through Eclipse now. John left this morning for San Diego, so after church I came home and tidied up the house so I could enjoy a night of reading guilt free! The kids are all in bed so I am off to read!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

That's it, I need a new sister!

Yesterday morning Annie came to me very upset. Audrey had spilled juice on her beloved BunBun (her stuffed rabbit she sleeps with). I told her not to worry we could run BunBun through the wash and she would be fine. Apparently Annie did not like my response because she flipped her head and said with all the attitude she could muster, "that's it, I just need a new sister!"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's Audrey's Birthday!

Audrey turns 2 today!!!

Where have the last 2 years gone. Audrey is such a sweet little girl and amazes us each day at how big she is getting. Our family is so blessed to have her in it! Gone is our baby girl, she is such a big girl all of a sudden. She is a crack up and loves to entertain us all. She does the cutest faces which we call her eyes, she will make mean eyes (she furrows her brows), sly eyes (will look at you from the side of her face) and shy eyes (she looks up at your through her lashes). She loves to dance and when she runs it is adorable because she only pumps one arm. Audrey is starting to talk non-stop. It is like she woke up in the last few weeks and decided that she was going to talk. She is still so sweet and loves to cuddle. She melted all our hearts this week telling John "daddy, I wub you".

December 2006

October 2007

Monterey May 2008

Apple Hill - October 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tiger Cubs!

Charlie and I have entered the world of Scouting. He is a Tiger Cub & I am his Den Leader! We had a Pack Meeting Friday night and they boys learned about Indian Dancing. It was very cute to watch all my Tiger Scouts up there dancing with hoops and trying on different parts of the costume.

He is supper excited, he got his Pinewood Derby Car kit and has been asking John all day if they can make the car yet - the derby isn't until the end of January. It may be a long month.


My kids and their conversations with each other have been cracking me up lately. Earlier this week we were driving into town down Jackson Hwy (it is very rural most of the way)and we passed an accident involving a truck full of turkeys that had turned over. The turkey cages were exposed and you could see at least 500 turkeys in the back of this truck.

This is the conversation that takes place between Annie & Charlie as we are driving past.

Annie "that many turkeys is just RIDICULOUS!"

Charlie "Annie, do you have a problem with Mother Nature?"

Annie "Charlie, that many turkeys is just RIDICULOUS!"

Charlie "Annie you must not like Mother Nature because she made the turkeys and you are calling them ridiculous."

Annie "I like Mother Nature, it's just that many Turkeys is RIDICULOUS!"

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Annie is our little Gymnast. She is fearless and loves trying all the new activities she can! Not to mention we thought it was best for her to start gymnastics early, since she will be too tall by the time she is 6!

Friday, November 14, 2008


adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

The other day my kids are in the car and this is the conversation going on.

Annie: "Charlie I have intellavision" (that is what she calls super power vision)

Charlie: "No you don't"

Annie: "Yes, I have intellavision, I can see everything"

Charlie: "NO, you don't!"

Mom: "Guys, stop arguing, Charlie leave Annie alone"


Charlie: "Annie, you don't have any INTEGRITY"

Mom: "Charlie what does Integrity mean"

Charlie: "It means you tell the truth and you don't lie and Annie is lying so she doesn't have any integrity"

Really, how do you argue with that! (Charlie learned about integrity at Taekwondo - it is part of the creed they recite every practice)

Taekwondo Creed~
Self Control
Indomitable Spirit

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The things they say....

Annie was sitting on the couch tonight with John & I and out of the blue she said, "I don't like those white things that look like toenails!" I said, "do you mean coconut?" She said, "yes, it looks like toenails!"

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Tooth that didn't want to come out!

Charlie's front tooth has been loose forever! It was hanging on by only one side, but that side was hanging on for dear life and didn't not want to come out. No matter how hard, Charlie tried it didn't budge. Every day for the past 2 weeks John would try to pull it out with no luck.

Today John and Charlie were wrestling and Charlie ran into John's arm and out it popped! No one was hurt but the tooth fairy is planning a visit!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dum Dum Anyone

I came out of the office and found my two-year-old on the couch with a play purse filled with dum-dums! She must think I am a dumb dumb if she thinks she is going to get to keep it!

Catching up

I can't believe it has been over a month since I have posted anything. I have to admit it has been a great (& busy) month. I will try to update a bunch of things that we did in the next few days.

First off here's what has been going on with me and really my excuse for being so behind! About a month ago I got a cold, I had a sore throat, lost my voice and had a cough that wouldn't stop! After about 2 1/2 weeks the cough got somewhat better, but I have been still having coughing fits and at night it gets worse. I will start coughing and can't stop, it also felt like I could never get a really deep breath or fill my lungs all the way, plus I have been dragging. I haven't had a ton of energy and any time I would sit down I would almost fall asleep. Like I said earlier, it has been a busy month with lots going on so I just chalked it up to that. Well on Tuesday a mom at the bus stop came up to me (she has had the exact same thing) and said she finally went to the doctor and they told her she has Whooping cough. Well yesterday I finally succumbed and went to the doctor myself. Low and behold - he said I either had pneumonia and it is taking me a long to recover or I have whooping cough. He said 3 or 4 weeks into it is just going to take a while to get over it (it can take up to 6 weeks to get rid of the infection) but he did put me on a week long course of antibiotics, gave me my own inhaler (I had been using Charlie's), and a strong cough syrup with codeine in it. The doctor said by Friday I should feel 10x's better - I am going to hold him to it!

So if you feel inclined you can go back and read about our month of October!