Last weekend John said on Friday, hey I have to go to San Diego for sure now next week lets make a family trip of it! Need I say anymore!!! There are a gazillion pictures of our trip at but here is some of the highlights! We had the best time.
Now that summer is almost over here (3 weeks until school starts) I guess I should update a little of what we have done this summer.
Charlie finished up baseball mid June. His team came in 2nd in the playoffs and we was selected to play on the Optimist all star team. We are so proud of what a good sport he is.
(Charlie & Astro Coach Scott)
The day after the all star game we headed to Wisconsin to visit John's parents for 10 days. It was a great visit. The kids loved spending time with Nan & Pop and Uncle Brett. They fished and then fished some more - needless to say Charlie was in heaven the whole visit. The last day we went to the Mall of America and once there I took the girls to the American Girl Store for a Mommy Daughter lunch. (I have about a million pictures but I just realized they are on John's Computer all i have on our computer is the last day! Will upload some of the rest soon)
We celebrated the 4th of July here at home in our favorite way! We got up and went to the parade in our community, then we came home played and my parents came over for a bbq, followed by swimming at the neighbors, fireworks in the street, sitting on the golf course watching fireworks over the lake followed by lots more fireworks in the street.
At the dinner & Auction I Co-Chaired last spring a group of mom's bought a mommy & daughter tea hosted by the school secretary and the principal. It was over the top and such a fun day. We played a game - how well do you know your mom/daughter and I got all of the question right about Annie! She did the same for me!
Emily has starting talking all the time, a lot of it gibberish but sometimes she does make sense. right now she is like the family guy commercial on tv "mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom" one day I said what she said "Pop" for Popsicle - her new favorite thing!
As for the rest we have had a great time at home just having fun and enjoying summer. There have been lots of playdates, sleepovers, and days at the lake.
Okay, at our house there are lots of helmets and often they are lying around! Bike helmets, batting helmets, horse riding helmets, foot ball helmets etc... Anyway - Emily LOVES helmets, when ever she finds one she puts it on! I couldn't help but share!!!
The reality is Charlie's birthday is April 6th & then Annie's is April 7th! Life around here is slightly crazy in April!
Anyway, Annie turned 7! Where has the time flown, she is turning in to a grown up girl before our eyes. Sometimes when I see her I am shocked that this beautiful girl is mine. We got up early and opened presents before the kids went off to school. She got some horse stuff, art kits, she got a styling center for her American Girl Doll and a bunch of doll clothes and she got a karaoke machine - we have been loving her shows ! Oh how she loves to be stylish - in her own little way, she has a definite flair and she doesn't want to necessarily be "cute" more grown up with a touch of edge to it! I think she will be the girl wearing heals to school as soon as she is able to!
For her birthday dinner she wanted to go out! We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory and then she had horse lessons after - I think that was her favorite part of the day!
I can hardly believe it but my baby boy is now 9!!! Charlie is such an awesome kid, he is so friendly and kind, he is funny and thoughtful. He makes us so proud because he is such a sweet person - he has never met a stranger and is such a great big brother. This year for his birthday he got tons of fishing stuff (his FAVORITE thing to do in the world) and he got a tent and sleeping bag for the summer! He can hardly wait to have all his friends over to sleep in it. We got up super early to open his presents, he had STAR testing at school and couldn't be late. Then later that night he had a game and he was the starting pitcher! He did great!! We came home and had waffles and then cake and ice cream before bed!
I am very blessed, I am the wife to an amazing man and mother to 4 of the greatest kids in the world! I wouldn't trade a day of this journey called life but some how along the way I have lost part of myself and now it's time for me to find it again.