Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A new pet?

John came home this evening after being gone for a couple of days and as he walked into the house the kids came running up to him to hug him. Rather than shouts of joy all of sudden Annie starts screaming, not a cry but a blood curdling scream. I rush over with baby Emily in my arms and Annie starts pointing at John and amid sobs says "spider". John, who HATES spiders, starts doing the herky jerky dance to see if he can see it, we find the spider and brush it off onto the floor and what do you know, John brought a black widow home!

After a few comical minutes of the kids going crazy over the spider and Annie calming down we got the black widow killed and removed from the house! (John thinks it crawled on him as he was taking the grass/leaves garbage container to the curb - he told me he will never be able to touch the garbage cans again!)

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