Thursday, January 14, 2010

Small things....

Today I am thankful for the sunshine! It has been rainy, cold and overcast here for weeks now and yesterday afternoon the sun came out ~ it is still cold and wet on the ground but rather than gray skies they are bright and clear. I am also thankful for the sun because I have my little yellow baby laying on a blanket on my bed with the blinds open pouring sunshine on her (which she needs horribly!). I took her to the dr's on Monday because she still has a yellow tint to her face and eyes. She has some jaundice left, not enough to do any damage or that they would treat. She is just having a reaction to breast milk,there is something in it that is making it take longer for the billiruben to break down. So I am really thankful for the sun today, hopefully she won't be too yellow too much longer.

Is there anything a cuter than a baby scrunched up to sleep with their little bottom up in the air?

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