Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years!

We are not very exciting people, even with out young kids and a baby, we have never done anything exciting for New Years (most years we didn't even make it to Midnight awake).

This year we told the kids they could stay up til midnight to celebrate New Years. We all watched a movie (John & I did take naps during it) and played some games. We tried to convince the kids to celebrate at 9:00 (when it was 12 on the east coast) but now that Charlie can tell time there was no tricking him. As the night grew later, Audrey fell asleep first around 9:30 by 10:30 Annie was out, John and I were trying so hard to stay awake, then it came closer to midnight and the closer we got the more excited Charlie got. We turned on Dick Clark's show with the ball dropping and Charlie was so excited to see it drop! John and I both offered to let the other one go to be and we would stay up with Charlie but in the end we both stayed up with him and I am so glad we did, it was so fun to see Charlie cheering and jumping up and down. So maybe while we aren't going to ever have a huge party or anything like that, in our own simple way getting to experience all these things with our kids is an awfully exciting thing!

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