Thursday, January 7, 2010

Time flies...

I don't know how it happened but Emily is 5 weeks old already! I can't imagine our family with out her! She is such a dream baby, she is so low key, sleeps great and when she is awake has a sweet disposition. She is a little cuddle bug and loves to sleep in your arms or curled up on your chest with her little hands under her chin. Annie is always saying "she is so cute I could just squeeze her forever!" I often come into a room to find Audrey next to Emily, whether she is in her bouncy chair, laying in her bassinet or on my bed, and she is sitting there just holding her hand. I just wish I could keep this baby phase forever, it is amazing how quickly they get big, Emily is already loosing that newborn cry and she is starting to look older, not the scrunched up squishy look of a newborn.

Knock on wood (lots of wood) but life has been wonderful for us! We have been able to spend most of our time at home the last 5 weeks and everyone has been okay with it. We have stayed healthy for the most part this winter and everyone seems to be adjusting to a routine and we have all been going with the flow of life in a seemingly calm manner.

I truly have been feeling very blessed lately. I have 4 healthy and beautiful children, and an incredible husband who is my best friend and the most amazing dad to our kids. A wonderful home, a great extended family and close friends around who are all apart of our lives. I could go on and on listing all my blessings but it would just make me cry. Really I just want our kids to know and realize how fortunate we are as a family and to know how loved they are. I want them to get to look back and remember all the great things about their childhood and smile when they read all about it.

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