Thursday, January 21, 2010

Seven Weeks!

I can't believe Emily is already 7 weeks old. The time is flying way to fast! I love this little new born phase and she is quickly moving out of it. She is such a sweet baby and is so mellow considering the chaos that is our lives. She sleeps great - I mean like 8 or 9 hours straight at night. Often I am waiting by the side of her bassinet for her to make some movement so I can justify getting her up to feed her (because I need to). She naps great during the day although we don't have a set schedule, she is great about sleeping from bed to car seat to bouncy chair and back to bed. She doesn't cry much if at all most days but this week she seems to be waking up more each day. Her cry is changing from that of a new born mewling sound to a real cry. She is starting to smile at people and of course we all sit there cooing and smiling at her and talking in a high pitched voice to get her to do it and of course I can never get it on camera. She has the cutest little pudgy checks you could imagine!! She also seems to have discovered that she has little appendages attached to her body - she will just sit there and wave her arms or legs around. She also is really tolerant of her siblings and their holding and jostling of her! I am praying that her little mellow personality will follow her through life, she is just a little joy to have around!!!!

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