Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Traditions

It has been so fun as the kids get older to see our family Christmas traditions come together and be repeat year after year. Here are few of them...

1. Nan always sends the kids advent calendars at Thanksgiving. The kids love opening them each day and counting down. This year both Charlie & Annie did great counting themselves - They were very good at reminding us if we didn't bring it up after dinner each night.

2. Duke - our special elf. Nan sent the kids a book, The Elf on the Shelf, a few years ago that came with a little elf Doll. Well our kids named our elf Duke. Duke arrives the day after Thanksgiving and each morning the kids have to find where he is hiding. Duke watches everything that goes on in the house and then reports back to Santa each night. The kids love waking up each morning to find Duke. Many a morning either John or I is rushing down the stairs before the kids to help him find a new hiding place.

3. Letters to Santa. The kids love writing letters to Santa. This year we were out front on a Saturday and the mail man came by our house. Charlie ran and got his letter and gave it to the mail man before mom & dad got a chance to read it. Every time we asked him what was on his list he would tell us that he didn't need to tell us because he already told Santa!

4. Gingerbread house. When I was in the hospital after having Audrey John got a gingerbread kit at Costco and did it with Charlie and Annie. Now every year they have to have one and they decorate it with John. It is fun to watch them have a tradition they do just with dad.

5. Christmas Tree. When John and I were first married he never wanted to go and cut down a tree. He finally talked me into getting a fake tree a few years after we were married and as much as I hated it after that first year I became a believer - it was wonderful, (no watering, no mess, easy to clean up). Well last year John decided we needed to get a real one and the kids needed to help cut it down. This year we had the best time going to Apple Hill to a tree farm that John went to as a kid to cut one down. The owner even remembered John's family and asked if we were going to get a short, fat tree also - we laughed and said no - we got a really tall one - we had to cut off about 3 feet to fit into our front room with a 14 foot ceiling!

The kids love helping to decorate the tree and the house. I have a beautiful Nativity I always set out near the tree and I love watching the kids pick up the pieces and talk about them (even though they are not supposed to touch it). We hang all our stockings that are like the ones I grew up with that Grandma made for all of us. We have a train that John and the kids love to put out under the tree. This year Oreo went crazy every time we turned it on.

6. Driving around and looking at Christmas light! We love this one. In years past we would pile the kids in the car and drive around the neighborhoods looking at lights a few times a week. Living so far away from other developments we only did it a few time this year but we had so much fun every time we did!

7. Baking!!! As the kids are getting older they are starting to help but one of my favorite things to do the week before Christmas is to bake and make candy to give out. Growing up I had a friend named Danielle Ferguson whose mom made tons of Candy. I remember they would put ply wood tables in their garage for all the candy she made. As young as 9 & 10 I remember her mom letting Danielle and I mix candy and form balls, she even let us dip it in chocolate. This year I tried not to go over board but it is hard - Homemade peanut butter balls & english toffee - Yummy~ I could go for some right now!

8. Christmas Eve. In our house we make homemade pizza on Christmas eve. Each kid gets to make their own and we have Peppermint Ice cream with Hot Fudge Sauce. We put a plate of goodies together for Santa and we leave out celery and carrots for the reindeer. Annie wanted to leave out a water bottle for Santa this year because she thought he would be very thirsty. The kids each get to open one gift and play with it for a while. Then it is off to bed for the kids in their new Christmas pj's. This year they amazed us and were all asleep by 8:30! Can you believe it - no one even came down the stairs. After that Santa & I put out all the presents. I don't know who is more excited for Christmas Morning, John & I or the kids!

9. Christmas Day - the kids wake us up and we all rush down stairs to start opening presents. I don't know when my kids will catch on but I always wake up super early to brush my teeth and run down and turn on the Christmas Tree lights. I also herd the girls into the bathroom before we can go down stairs to quickly do something with their hair (am I a bad mom because I want them to look cute in all the Christmas pictures?) We always have such a great time opening presents! After that it is a mad dash for the kids to start playing. At this point John & I usually try to gather up the wrapping paper and make some reasonable order of the chaos. We always have eggs & ham and Monkey Bread for Christmas breakfast. I don't know how it came about but I think we have been having Monkey bread for 5 or 6 years now. In years past we have family over or we go to families for dinner but this year not everyone was feeling great so we had a big turkey dinner at home.

Some how the holiday take forever to get here then flies by, but what fun we have while it is here!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

We had a wonderful Christmas. Audrey happened to wake up around 3 in the morning and I heard her coming to our room. Well she never appeared. I crept out to try to find her and she was standing at the landing on the top of the stairs starring at the Christmas tree. After a minute she realized I was there and looked back with huge eyes and said "Santa?" She was so cute. I brought her into bed with us and I think she barely slept. At about 6:45 I got up to use the bathroom and I thought she was still asleep next to John. I came back and she was gone - She had ran in and woken up Charlie and Annie. She was shaking them saying "SANTA". I think she got it!

I know Christmas isn't all about the gifts but we had so much fun opening presents. Santa was very kind to us this year. Here are some of the gifts the kids got. Audrey got some pony's, a cash register, new play food & kitchen appliances. Her big gift was one for both her and Annie to play with - A new play kitchen. Annie got a little pony amusement park, Polly pockets, a cupcake maker, a barbie car and her big gift (again she gets to share it) was a doll house. Charlie got Lego's, laser tag, a robot, a dinosaur digging adventure kit and his big gift was a new bike. The family all got a Wii!

John got me a very sweet gift. He hasn't worn a wedding ring in a very long time (the one he got when we got married is too small) and I always bug him about it - I just wish he would wear one. I suggest we get him a new one every year on our anniversary and on valentines day but he always would say no. Well this year he gave me one for him to wear - I love it. He also gave the kids and I a great gift and tv set for my car. We live so far out that to drive anywhere in town takes at half an hour each way so the TV has been a big hit! I got john a new tool chest. It was fun to surprise him with it. I had to hide it at Dante's house so he had no clue. I also got him all the missing Sports Illustrated Gator covers that he didn't have. I think that was his favorite.

We had a very relaxing rest of Christmas. We just lounged around the house and played Wii and the kids loved playing with their new toys. (funny Wii story - John and I were bowling and I didn't realize Audrey had walked behind me and as I went to release the ball - Whack right into her face. She had a nice little bruise right on her eye for about a week! Do I win Mother of the Year for that one?)

With Christmas now almost over I am a little sad but feel very blessed. Blessed to have such a wonderful family. Our kids truly are great and they bring us so much happiness. I am blessed with a great husband. He works so hard to provide a great life for us and loves to be with us. I feel blessed for a nice home and place to live. I know times are tough in the world but I feel like our home is haven from all of that for our family.

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Santa's on his way!

A friend told me about this great site that we have been going to with the kids today. You can track Santa! Right now Santa is in Iceland! I am hoping it will help the kids go to bed when they see him getting closer to our house.

It's cold outside...

I can't tell who is more excited for Christmas, the kids or John & I. We are all hunkered down in the house for the most part today. It is rainy and cold outside and nice and warm inside! John should be home from work soon. The kids and I have a few goody bags to drop off today and then we are done! The side dishes for dinner are done, the pies are cooking in the oven right now, and the kids are watching a movie. What could be better!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Break

I was so excited to wake up this morning and know that we didn't have to go anywhere today, there is no school, no activities, nothing. Just a day at home ~ well as good as can be when you have sick kids. Charlie has been fighting a cold and the cold has won! He is curled up in the recliner watching Smurfs. It is 9:00 and Annie is still asleep. She wasn't feeling well last night either and came into our bed in the middle of the night saying her throat hurt. Hopefully it isn't to bad.

Today we are just going to clean up the house and hang out at home. I was telling a friend recently about how when Charlie was a baby and it was just him and I at home I remember feeling so bored and lonely. I could just sit and hold him and read or watch tv all day. Those days are long gone. We seem to be always running in or out to the next thing. There is always tons of chores waiting for me, a meal to cook or lunch to pack. Audrey will now grab my hand and pull me to the couch and say couch sit so I will sit and hold her. Even now she is curled up in my lap. I am hoping we can really enjoy a quiet two weeks.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Show

Today Annie had her Snow Show at gymnastics. The kids did special Christmas dances and activities then they had a visit from Frosty the Snowman!

We WISHHHHHHHH you a Merry Christmas!

This morning Charlie had his Christmas program at school. Each child read a line or two from the night before Christmas and then they sang a bunch of Christmas songs. Charlie is such a ham that yet again he made everyone laugh. His line was:

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

Well as the kids were saying their lines they just sat in chairs, our son added hand gestures. He laid his finger on the side of his nose and then nodded his head, and then as he said "up the chimney he rose!" he stood up and raised his hands to the sky. Then he bowed! It was quite cute.

They have also been practicing the song We wish you a Merry Christmas. Well Charlie likes to sing in with the Wish very loud and drawn out. Imagine "we WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you a Merry Christmas". He has been singing it at home this way for a few weeks now. Well on Thursday night we had a talk about it and how his teacher wanted him to sing it in the normal way during the program. He did great until the last "we wish you a Merry Christmas." but it was so cute that everyone couldn't help but sing.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Birthday John!!!

Today is John's birthday! This morning we opened presents and he was supper excited about his new watch (he helped pick it out). He made me laugh when he didn't like the shoes I ordered him. I will admit he is slightly right that they kind of look like old men shoes, I just thought they would be comfortable. Then that night we had yummy spaghetti for dinner and then Gator cake - yes, I made him a gator cake and it turned out great if I do say so myself.

We are very blessed to have John as a dad and husband in our family. He is a great father and the kids adore him. I truly appreciate all he does for us. He is a wonderful provider, father, friend and husband. He can always make us laugh and he is so kind and caring. He amazes me with his patience with me and the kids. We love you John!

Gingerbread Men

Today after school the kids decorated gingerbread men. They were all so cute and intent of decorating their cookies, even Audrey. We are all excited that tomorrow is the last day of school then Charlie is on Christmas break and we get to be home and have a great vacation.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A get things done day!

Today is a get things done day at our house. On the agenda is Laundry (John will be sooo grateful for this one), vacuuming, bathroom and floor washing. Then it is on to the fun stuff. Goody bag making for Christmas & Christmas cards. I am almost done with shopping and wrapping. After John gets home from work tonight I am going to go out and finish - it is mostly stocking stuffers for the kids and John. I have mailed most of my packages and am feeling like we are getting there! How nice it will be when I am hopefully done tonight or tomorrow and can just relax with the kids and enjoy their holiday partys and the rest of the Christmas season!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Laugh for today

This morning I was getting out of the shower and Annie came up stairs with a worried look on her face. When I asked her what was wrong she didn't want to tell me. After some finagling she told me she put a button up her nose. John and I tried our hardest not to laugh, but really who wouldn't laugh when your daughter tells you this. She is 4, I would have totally expected this from Audrey, but not Annie. She was so upset and worried that she would have to get a shot (her greatest fear in life). I sat her on my lap and told her to blow. Out popped a little red button!

Hopefully nothing else goes up there!

Best date ever!

Last night Charlie & I went out on a date. We had a great time and Charlie was so sweet. We went into town and did some Christmas shopping for Annie, Audrey & John. Charlie was so great, he looked at all the toys and picked things he really thought his sisters would love. After we went to Leatherby's and had sundaes. It was so fun to get to go do something just the two of us. On the way home Charlie told me this was his best date ever - I hope he still feels that way in 12 years!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Attempts at a Christmas Picture

Every year I have this grand idea that I am going to get a great picture of the kids in their new Christmas clothes for our Christmas card. Well today, now that everyone is feeling better, I tried. I washed the girls hair and did it up in big bows and got them dressed in their new Christmas outfits, got Charlie all spiffed up in his new sweater and sat them down in front of the tree to take a picture. Well I don't know whose grand idea it was to involve the dog, so after just a few minutes it falls apart, first Annie is holding the dog and Audrey starts screaming because she wants to hold Oreo, finally I give Oreo to Charlie to hold because he isn't in on the fighting then Annie starts crying. I did get a few great shots but I thought I would share this one first!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The gift that keeps on giving....

So Charlie is doing much better today. I kept him home from school a 2nd day just to be on the safe side. With that said, by bed time last night I could barely swallow and finally called the Dr. She said that because Charlie tested positive for Strep Throat she would treat me over the phone. I just have to go pick up my medicine today, which works out because I looked in the girls throats last night and they are both swollen and Audrey's is covered with something that looks like blisters.

Anyway, we will know more after their appointment at 3:00. On a funny note, while I was upstairs laying in bed this morning I thought the kids were all contained watching cartoons, I was wrong. Audrey got into the pantry and got down a bottle of syrup - yes I said got down, because she dragged a chair in there. Anyway, she proceeded to pour the syrup all over the family room carpet. It is true, when you are them mom you don't get to just be sick!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Dilema for a 4-year old

Pop (John's dad) came and visited us this weekend. Everyone had a great time and it was so nice to get to see him. While he was here he got a Christmas present for John and wrapped it and left it for us to put under the Christmas Tree for him on Christmas morning. Well Pop told Annie what it was, (supposedly). They had a long talk today about keeping secrets and being trustworthy. Pop told Annie that if she told anyone what the secret was he wouldn't tell her any more secrets because he couldn't trust her. Annie took this to heart, she has been so good at keeping this secret, even with her Dad trying to tease it out of her.

Today on the way home from dropping Pop off at the airport, I told the kids something I wanted to get John for Christmas and that he would love it if they got it for him. Annie started bawling in the back seat all of a sudden, she said "Mom we can't get that for daddy, that is what Pop already got him. Now since you guessed what it is Pop will never tell me anything again." The poor girl is so confused. Pop is on his long flight back to Wisconsin so we can't call him until tomorrow. Charlie & I tried to convince her Pop wasn't going to be mad and that it was okay. I think she seems to understand the meaning of trustworthy.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas is coming.....

Christmas is coming but strep throat has already arrived at the Garrison house. Annie had strep the week of Thanksgiving and Charlie came down with it yesterday. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it stops with Charlie! Earlier I walked by the living room and saw Charlie lying on the couch, Audrey had walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead. It is always a wonderful feeling when you see your children being compassionate, especially to their siblings. Don't get me wrong, our kids can argue but they don't fight all that often. They play together really well for the most part. As the girls are both getting older they play together really well and really seem to like being with each other.

We have had a busy week and a great weekend even with Charlie sick. John's dad came to town to visit and to watch the Gators win the SEC Championship. The win let's the Gators go to the BCS Championship!! So I guess you can all imagine what we will be doing January 8th.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


There are so many firsts you experience with your children. The first time you hold them, the first time they smile, the first time they laugh, sit, walk, talk, eat, play, run. There are first holidays and birthdays. There are firsts when they go to preschool and then kindergarten. And then the first time you realize that your little one isn't really so little any more and is on his way to being a big kid who is getting more and more independent everyday.

Today Annie was at a friends after school and I knew Audrey would be asleep when the bus came to drop Charlie off. He has been practicing walking home on his own with me following him for a week or two now but today was the first day I told him he could walk home all alone. As the time came when I knew the Buses would have come to the park around the corner I went out front to walk to the corner to meet him and there he was walking down the street with his friends. He didn't see me and I was shocked to realize how grown up he is, he waved to his friends and told them he would see them tomorrow and walked the rest of the way home with a smile on his face. I snuck back in the house so he wouldn't know I had been watching him. He was so nonchalant about walking home alone when he came in the house, like "no worries mom".

So today was the first time I glimpsed my little baby boy really and truly growing up. I guess I am still happy he wants me and really needs me because I am sure the day will come sooner than I can ever imagine that he really is grown up.

Monday, December 1, 2008

All About Charlie!

Charlie is the Star of the week in his classroom and had to decorate a poster all about himself. I thought it would be cute to share some of his favorite things.

Charlie is 6 years old
His Birthday is April 6th
He lives in Rancho Murieta
His teacher is Mrs. Boudreaux
His Dad takes him to school
When he grows up he wants to be a Doctor
Favorite color is green
Favorite animals are dogs and zebras
Favorite food is Waffles
Favorite book is Cat in the Hat
Favorite thing to do at school is Math
Favorite thing to do at home is play with his family.

I show others I care by Helping them.
I am a star because I am kind and thoughtful.

3 Super cool Facts:
I am a great big brother.
I am really strong.
I am really good at basket ball (I made 102 shots this weekend).

Sunday, November 30, 2008


At least for the next two days!

So last week I finally gave in and read Twilight (in less than 24 hours)! It is slightly addicting for some reason, really I can't believe I am reading a book about a vampire & really no one told me there were also werewolves in it! So with that said I finished New Moon yesterday and I am almost through Eclipse now. John left this morning for San Diego, so after church I came home and tidied up the house so I could enjoy a night of reading guilt free! The kids are all in bed so I am off to read!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

That's it, I need a new sister!

Yesterday morning Annie came to me very upset. Audrey had spilled juice on her beloved BunBun (her stuffed rabbit she sleeps with). I told her not to worry we could run BunBun through the wash and she would be fine. Apparently Annie did not like my response because she flipped her head and said with all the attitude she could muster, "that's it, I just need a new sister!"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's Audrey's Birthday!

Audrey turns 2 today!!!

Where have the last 2 years gone. Audrey is such a sweet little girl and amazes us each day at how big she is getting. Our family is so blessed to have her in it! Gone is our baby girl, she is such a big girl all of a sudden. She is a crack up and loves to entertain us all. She does the cutest faces which we call her eyes, she will make mean eyes (she furrows her brows), sly eyes (will look at you from the side of her face) and shy eyes (she looks up at your through her lashes). She loves to dance and when she runs it is adorable because she only pumps one arm. Audrey is starting to talk non-stop. It is like she woke up in the last few weeks and decided that she was going to talk. She is still so sweet and loves to cuddle. She melted all our hearts this week telling John "daddy, I wub you".

December 2006

October 2007

Monterey May 2008

Apple Hill - October 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tiger Cubs!

Charlie and I have entered the world of Scouting. He is a Tiger Cub & I am his Den Leader! We had a Pack Meeting Friday night and they boys learned about Indian Dancing. It was very cute to watch all my Tiger Scouts up there dancing with hoops and trying on different parts of the costume.

He is supper excited, he got his Pinewood Derby Car kit and has been asking John all day if they can make the car yet - the derby isn't until the end of January. It may be a long month.


My kids and their conversations with each other have been cracking me up lately. Earlier this week we were driving into town down Jackson Hwy (it is very rural most of the way)and we passed an accident involving a truck full of turkeys that had turned over. The turkey cages were exposed and you could see at least 500 turkeys in the back of this truck.

This is the conversation that takes place between Annie & Charlie as we are driving past.

Annie "that many turkeys is just RIDICULOUS!"

Charlie "Annie, do you have a problem with Mother Nature?"

Annie "Charlie, that many turkeys is just RIDICULOUS!"

Charlie "Annie you must not like Mother Nature because she made the turkeys and you are calling them ridiculous."

Annie "I like Mother Nature, it's just that many Turkeys is RIDICULOUS!"

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Annie is our little Gymnast. She is fearless and loves trying all the new activities she can! Not to mention we thought it was best for her to start gymnastics early, since she will be too tall by the time she is 6!

Friday, November 14, 2008


adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

The other day my kids are in the car and this is the conversation going on.

Annie: "Charlie I have intellavision" (that is what she calls super power vision)

Charlie: "No you don't"

Annie: "Yes, I have intellavision, I can see everything"

Charlie: "NO, you don't!"

Mom: "Guys, stop arguing, Charlie leave Annie alone"


Charlie: "Annie, you don't have any INTEGRITY"

Mom: "Charlie what does Integrity mean"

Charlie: "It means you tell the truth and you don't lie and Annie is lying so she doesn't have any integrity"

Really, how do you argue with that! (Charlie learned about integrity at Taekwondo - it is part of the creed they recite every practice)

Taekwondo Creed~
Self Control
Indomitable Spirit

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The things they say....

Annie was sitting on the couch tonight with John & I and out of the blue she said, "I don't like those white things that look like toenails!" I said, "do you mean coconut?" She said, "yes, it looks like toenails!"

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Tooth that didn't want to come out!

Charlie's front tooth has been loose forever! It was hanging on by only one side, but that side was hanging on for dear life and didn't not want to come out. No matter how hard, Charlie tried it didn't budge. Every day for the past 2 weeks John would try to pull it out with no luck.

Today John and Charlie were wrestling and Charlie ran into John's arm and out it popped! No one was hurt but the tooth fairy is planning a visit!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dum Dum Anyone

I came out of the office and found my two-year-old on the couch with a play purse filled with dum-dums! She must think I am a dumb dumb if she thinks she is going to get to keep it!

Catching up

I can't believe it has been over a month since I have posted anything. I have to admit it has been a great (& busy) month. I will try to update a bunch of things that we did in the next few days.

First off here's what has been going on with me and really my excuse for being so behind! About a month ago I got a cold, I had a sore throat, lost my voice and had a cough that wouldn't stop! After about 2 1/2 weeks the cough got somewhat better, but I have been still having coughing fits and at night it gets worse. I will start coughing and can't stop, it also felt like I could never get a really deep breath or fill my lungs all the way, plus I have been dragging. I haven't had a ton of energy and any time I would sit down I would almost fall asleep. Like I said earlier, it has been a busy month with lots going on so I just chalked it up to that. Well on Tuesday a mom at the bus stop came up to me (she has had the exact same thing) and said she finally went to the doctor and they told her she has Whooping cough. Well yesterday I finally succumbed and went to the doctor myself. Low and behold - he said I either had pneumonia and it is taking me a long to recover or I have whooping cough. He said 3 or 4 weeks into it is just going to take a while to get over it (it can take up to 6 weeks to get rid of the infection) but he did put me on a week long course of antibiotics, gave me my own inhaler (I had been using Charlie's), and a strong cough syrup with codeine in it. The doctor said by Friday I should feel 10x's better - I am going to hold him to it!

So if you feel inclined you can go back and read about our month of October!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Night!

We had a great Halloween. It was a cold & wet fall night here in Sacramento but that didn't stop the kids from trick or treating or having a great time.

Charlie was a soldier. We got out John's old camo stuff from when he was a kid and it all fit Charlie perfectly. He was so funny that night. He came home and said some of the kids didn't think he had the best costume. So I asked him who they thought did and he said they each thought theirs was the best. I then asked him who he thought was the best and he said his. I think he finally got that everyone picked the one they liked the best!

Annie was a princess bride. We had gotten her Barbie princess Diamond Castle (yes that is a mouthful) that she had worn the week before but it ripped and you have to love Costco. Friday Morning after gymnastic we ran over to Costco and they were willing to exchange it for us. They didn't have her pink costume in her size so she picked the white one. I will admit I think she looks beautiful!

Audrey was Raggedy Ann. My mom made the outfit for Annie when she was 2 and it fit Audrey perfectly this year. She got tons of compliments and was adorable it (all of the older people gushed over it as she trick or treated at their house!)

Apparently we live on popular trick or treating street in our neighborhood (or at least on the same street as the neighborhood Haunted house) so we had tons of trick or treaters this year. The kids all loved trick or treating with their friends. As we started walking down the street we met up with about 4 families with friends of our kids so we all walked together. It was so much fun to see the older 1st grade boys running from house to house together and then Annie and a little friend that walked with her and an older sister of one of Charlie's friends and had the best time. Audrey would take turns going from adult to adult and loved it. About half way through our trick or treating we met up with Dante & Marissa and her nieces and nephews and had a great time all together! Audrey loved it when Dante would carry her from house to house.

Really it was a great evening, and the rain that fell off and on didn't seem to bother anyone.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Whirlwind of a week

Seriously, I know I say this all the time but oh my, life is busy! Good, great even, just busy. I can't believe I haven't posted since last week but.... on Wednesday afternoon John came home sick with a nasty stomach bug. Well sure enough, I woke up that night at 2:00 in the morning with it and then Charlie woke up with it the next morning. (Poor guy missed picture day!) Luckily Audrey didn't get it, (we think Annie had it earlier in the week - she had gotten sick a few times on Monday).

This last weekend was great though, John took me out for my birthday and we got all dressed up and had a great time. This week on my birthday John brought home IN & OUT (My all time favorite) and he and the kids made me a cake! On Sunday was the kids primary program at church and they did a great job (even though it may have been the longest primary program I have ever seen in my then 32 years!).

This week may have been one of the busiest of our lives with kids so far. Seriously, here is recap of our schedule:

Chore & Laundry day
C- Taekwondo

Annie Preschool
Mom's birthday

A & A Music Makers
McDonalds Playdate
Annie Playdate at our house
PTA Meeting
BBsit Ayden
C- Taekwondo

Annie Preschool
Bbsit for Helen
Mom's friend Jackie over
Annie playdate with Gracie
tiger cub scout meeting

Annie Gymnastics
Mom Dr.
PTA Movie night

Now I know you are all thinking this isn't that much but I did have to do a ton of prep work for some of this stuff. Charlie just started Tiger Cubs this week and I am going to be his den leader. I am really excited but my knowledge of how boy scouts works is nil so I had to do a bunch of research to bring myself up to speed. Also I am trying to do a fundraiser at Charlie's school for the PTA so I did a bunch of research on how to do a cook book. (It should be neat though!)

Really our life is going well so I can't complain, but let me tell you I am so looking forward to a relaxing weekend with out rushing off to something. (I think the kids are too!!!!)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Weekly ramblings

Somehow I can't believe it is already Wednesday. How does time move so fast and I accomplish so little! Today I went into town to go to a Zumba exercise class and let me tell you I have the rhythm of a white girl! The teacher is this beautiful woman who makes it look so easy and she moves very well! I can barely follow the steps with out tripping over my own feet! Afterwards the girls and I went to Music Makers and then to McDonald's to play with our friends. We had to run a few errands (we were out of Milk, dish washer soap & Laundry soap - really I am not organized these days). Then off to the pet store and fabric store for some dog chewies and fabric for another project.

Tomorrow is picture day so we need to go cut Charlie's hair after homework and before Taekwondo. (Plus we need to bath the dog - he got into the mud at the park -really by letting Annie have his lease this dog baths every 2 days it seems!)

One of these days I am going to have to post a copy of my weekly calendar. A girl friend with her first asked me about my daily routine and I have to say that as the kids get older it is not so much the same routine every day any more but a weekly routine with a different thing each day, but for the most part it is the same each week.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Birthday Party Mayham

Tonight we took Charlie to a birthday party for his friend Zachary at a place called John's Incredible Pizza. My camera died before I got too many pictures. The kids all had a great time but the one word for it was overwhelming. There were so many kids and loud noises that Audrey melted down and John had to take her out to the car. I was never so glad to see a party end when the time came. Not to mention I was so thankful that John went with me. I don't think I could have done it alone.

As much as I love my kids and would do almost anything for them, sometimes it is easy to get really overwhelmed and want to say no more!

My baby is a baby no more!

Today after I got Audrey dressed I realized she is definetly no longer a baby! She is a little girl and she is too cute for words. So is her big sister. It is amazing to me how fast they are growing up.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Future Olympian?

Annie had her first Gymnastic class today and she LOVED it! She is taking the class in Folsom at Tricks. Her little friend Josh (the boy in the picture next to her with their chins on the bar) is taking the class with her and they had a great time. She has been asking me since we left if she is going to get to do this forever? Watch out maybe in 2020 you will get to see her compete - but let's be honest, she may be too tall for gymnastics by the time she is 6.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Circle of Life

My Grandpa passed away today. For those of you who have heard about my Grandpa you knew he was quite sick and in the last few months his health had declined very rapidly and he had been in a lot of pain. It wasn't a shock that his time had come, he was 80 and like I mentioned quite ill. Hospice had been called in and so we had been told it was just a matter of time, weeks really.

Yesterday, the girls and I were driving back from Music Makers about 10:30 and Annie said to me, "mommy, old grandpa, is in heaven now." I came home and told John that it was a little strange that she brought it up because she hasn't seen him in a while and I haven't brought up to the kids how sick he has been. I just made a mental note of it her comment and went about my day. Well today my dad call and told my brother and John that Grandpa had passed this morning.

When I told Annie about it this sweet little girl sobbed and said "I know Mommy, I told you all ready". She was devastated. I tried to explain to her that Old Grandpa was in Heaven now and that his body worked again, that he could walk and talk just fine now and that he was with my Grandma. Annie has always had a sweet spot for my grandpa. He always had treats on the table by his bed (in his last few years that is all he wanted) and you could often find Annie sitting on his hospital bed eating them. Grandpa was always so nice to her and let her climb all over him and eat his treats whenever she wanted. My Grandfather had made me a wooden jewelry case when I was a teenager and Annie has it in her room and calls it her treasure chest.

I know we all have different memories but I do have good ones about my Grandpa. He always called me babe, really he called all women and girls babe. "love ya babe" was always signed in birthday card with a check. I remember being so excited to have a gift like that, especially as I got older and started buying my own school clothes.

I remember also that my whenever my grandparents visited they would take us to the toy store and let us pick out whatever we wanted. It was always so fun to walk through toys r us and pick out something special. Also KFC, I don't know why but when ever they came to Sac or we went to Riverside we had KFC with them. I also remember my grandfather always had a work shop, he loved to work with wood and was a construction worker for his career. He always had a project - or maybe he just liked being out there so he could smoke and my grandma wouldn't know it.

My grandparents were also very nice to John. I remember the first time John met him he was wearing a thick wool sweater and with his deep voice John thought he sounded and looked like an old fisher man. He always loved to ask John about Florida and his family there.

My grandparents also gave all of us a bunch of savings bonds. John and I were expecting Charlie and my dad called me into his office one day and told us he had found one that he hadn't realized he had, it helped out with me getting to stay home longer on my maternity leave. I truly appreciate how hard my Grandpa worked and that they thought enough of my siblings and I to give us these gifts. I am sure when they started them they had no clue what they would mean to us in the future.

I truly am happy for my grandfather that he is no longer in pain and in a better place. What joy for him that his body and mental state aren't causing him pain and he is free of his physical limitations. I pray that he is somewhere where he can work with wood and make everyone some more key chains or walking sticks out of the worm eaten wood he loved. We love you Old Grandpa ~ Til we meet again.


Well after Charlie's first spelling test it has seemed to all go down hill. He is having a hard time with his spelling words each week. He does fine with the words you can sound out but the words you just have to know like what, from, was, where, were, they - those types of words he struggles. Tonight John must have spent 2 hours with him practicing hopefully it pays off. We have been working really hard with him and his reading is really getting good!

On a positive note - he is great at Math! California has changed it's education requirements and now you are required to take Algebra and pass it by 8th grade so they have started hard core teaching basic algebra concepts as early as first grade. Charlie really seems to get it and loves to to do his math homework. He can answer questions like 8-_=2 and tell you what the answer is.

It's a really live dolly

This morning Audrey and I went to visit my friend Jackie and her son Carter who is 2 weeks old. Audrey was in love with Carter and wanted to hold him and pick him up the whole visit. At one point she was playing with some baby toys that we were passing on to Carter and had a bunch of rings in her hand and was trying to pick him up out of his bouncy seat and couldn't do it (mom wasn't letting her little did she know) and she was trying to figure out how to lift him when she dropped to toys and tried again, like maybe if she didn't have anything else in her hands it would work.

She was very sweet with him and loved to hold him and kiss him. We are so excited for the Koenig family! Congrats.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Crafty Momma

Well I would love to take all the credit but I found this pattern on line and have been making these little skirts for the girls that are too cute. I will have to take pictures of them wearing some of the matching ones I have made for them but here is one I made for Annie. We were at Walmart getting some ribbon and Annie asked if I could make her a skirt out of this Ariel fabric. It turned out really cute and I even made a little one for her doll that matches.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oreo's first bath

Well today after school the kids and I went to the park and took Oreo with us. Oreo somehow (Annie & Charlie) managed to run into the creek bed and got all muddy so we had to give him a bath when we got home. He did great in the bath part- he is just so little and mangy looking when he is all wet. Afterwards he went crazy running around and rolling on the carpet. He didn't like the blow drying very much but when it was all said and done he was adorable!