Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Weekly ramblings

Somehow I can't believe it is already Wednesday. How does time move so fast and I accomplish so little! Today I went into town to go to a Zumba exercise class and let me tell you I have the rhythm of a white girl! The teacher is this beautiful woman who makes it look so easy and she moves very well! I can barely follow the steps with out tripping over my own feet! Afterwards the girls and I went to Music Makers and then to McDonald's to play with our friends. We had to run a few errands (we were out of Milk, dish washer soap & Laundry soap - really I am not organized these days). Then off to the pet store and fabric store for some dog chewies and fabric for another project.

Tomorrow is picture day so we need to go cut Charlie's hair after homework and before Taekwondo. (Plus we need to bath the dog - he got into the mud at the park -really by letting Annie have his lease this dog baths every 2 days it seems!)

One of these days I am going to have to post a copy of my weekly calendar. A girl friend with her first asked me about my daily routine and I have to say that as the kids get older it is not so much the same routine every day any more but a weekly routine with a different thing each day, but for the most part it is the same each week.

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