Thursday, February 21, 2008

Another week

It seems like everyone is on the mend. Audrey came down with an ear infection on Tuesday and so now all three kiddo's are on Antibiotics but with that everyone seems to be getting better. They all seem to be a little cranky and are ready to fall asleep come 7:00 but it is nice to see everyone up and playing at our house.

Audrey had another first this week. I was doing the dishes the other morning and Audrey was wandering around the kitchen and then I look up and she was standing on the kitchen counter. I know there comes a day when your child learns to climb but I was seriously shocked when I looked up and she was up there!

Annie had Pajama Day at preschool today and she loved going to school in her Jammie's! She had to take BunBun (her bunny she sleeps with each night) with her because she was in her jammies. It is fun to watch Annie grow up and have fun at school.

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