Monday, July 14, 2008

Going with the flow

We had a good week. I am feeling soooo much better after my little jaw accident. I spent the weekend and Monday heavily medicated and by Tuesday I was able to really start eating normal food and not talk funny.

Annie & Charlie spent another week at summer rec. It has been so fun for them and I think it has been great for Annie to have something everyday, she has been very sweet and a lot less whinny since summer rec. We may have to find more for her to do come fall. She has been asking to do gymnastics so that may be her big treat come fall and Charlie being in first grade

Charlie has gotten grumpier & grumpier about his cast this last week, luckily today we go to the doctors to get the long arm cast off and x-rays to see if he needs a short arm cast for another week. He is sure he won't need another cast so we are keeping our fingers crossed.

Audrey has been so cute lately. She loves to make us laugh and will stand in front of all of us and dance. I have been taking her on walks while the older kids are at summer rec and she just waves and says hi to everyone who walks by. She loves to see all the animals on our walks, we often see deer, rabbits, lizards, ducks, geese and lots of other birds, she yells out to them and points (it is kind of like going to the zoo for free!!!)

Well the day is calling, I have tons to do in the next 2 weeks. My sister-in-law and her kids are coming for a few days next week then we leave the following week for WI to see John's parents for 2 weeks and then after that we are only home one week and school starts, were did all the time go and all my good intentions to get stuff done for the summer!

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