The kids have been on Christmas break this week and so far it has been a pretty good week for them I would say! Monday was a lazy day, Tuesday we got up and ran errands then came home and all the kids had play dates. Annie had a sleep over and since the moment everyone has been awake today it has been a revolving door here. At one point there where 10 children running around playing. Tonight Charlie is having a sleepover and then we will have a quiet rest of the week while mom gets ready for Christmas.
As for mom this has been a long 2 days. One reason we love our home is we live in an amazing community. We have made great friends, people we have truly come to care about and who are part of daily our lives. Our children are in each others homes, we celebrate things all together, we help each other out and are each other friends. It also means when things happen it often is close to home.
On Monday night a good friend of mine, a mother of a friend of Charlie's, was in a horrible head on collision right by the equestrian center outside the gates. She is going to make it but it is going to be long road for her as she has pretty much crushed one side of her body. How my heart goes out to her and her family. But being the community we live in meals are planned, kids are taken care of and the we will help her and her family through this as they need us.
Well as if that wasn't enough, I awoke this morning to a message that Cito, one of Audrey's favorite friends from church and preschool who had open heart surgery last week on an existing heart condition and is still at Lucille Packard was being taken back into surgery for a blood clot in his aorta. While waiting to hear how surgery went I get a call from my good friend Tessa asking me if I had talked to our friend Kerri yet this morning and I said no what's up. It turns out that Seth, her 6 yr old and a friend of Annie's was at the movies on Monday in the bay area with his family and he fell down while walking, his leg had given out on him, over the course of the day he kept crying that his leg hurt and finally started screaming in pain so his mom took him to the emergency room to learn he has a mass in his leg and a broken bone.
So today has been a day of praying and waiting! Its not often that this many friends are going through things this drastic all at once. All day I have just felt so grateful that my children are healthy and happy but scared for our friends. Luckily, Cito made it through surgery and they were able to remove the clot. His recovery starts all over and hopefully he will get to come home soon. Seth's pathology report also came back that it was not cancer but a cyst that bore a hole through the bone. With time the bone will heal and he should be fine.
So tonight while I do feel the Christmas spirit in the sense that I know there is a greater reason for the holiday and that prayers are truly answered, it is just the stress of the rest of Christmas at this point that has me a little blue!