Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tylenol & tissues

It has finally arrived at our house, cold and flu season. Earlier this week Annie had a really low grade fever that lasted only 24 hours. On Thursday Audrey came down with it and a cough. Friday Morning Annie's fever came back and I got a call from the secretary at school asking me to come pick up Charlie because he is sick. So we have a house full kids with all sorts of symptoms, sneezing, coughing, stomach ache, fever, you name it some one has it!

On Thursday night I told Audrey we were going to bed early because sleep would help her feel better. Friday morning in her raspy little voice she said "mommy you lied, sleep didn't make me better, me still sick". My poor little one.

At this point Emily is still okay, we haven't been letting any of the older kids touch her or be in her face. Hopefully because I am nursing she will stay okay. Now if we can just get everyone healthy.

1 comment:


Please, please let us know if we can do anything. Even if its just to have Emily for a few hours when everyone gets healthy and back to school. Then you can get something done! Keep smiling!