It seems like the girls just got over ear infections the week of New Years and now they have some sort of flu bug. Audrey had it first and is better, but she spent 3 days curled up in my lap. Annie is perking up today after being under the weather since Saturday and tonight before dinner Charlie was curled under a blanket shivering so I think he is just coming down with it. We have been very lucky this year that everyone has been so healthy. It seems like we are making up for it this month!
I went to a bridal shower for my friend Diane this weekend. She is going to India next month to get married. I am so excited for her. She is going to have a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony. I can't wait to see all her pictures and hear about her trip.
Charlie did the funniest thing last weekend. John was on the computer and Charlie comes walking in talking on the telephone. This is the conversation as John hears.
Charlie: "I would like the animal magazines and stickers. No, you don't need to talk to my mom and dad, I have money. I will give it to you and you send me the animal things."
Apparently Charlie saw an infomerical for a kids magazine and decided he wanted it. Being the smart boy he is he paused the TV show he was watching, wrote down the number and decided to call it himself. I didn't even realize he knew how to use the phone!
We also went of a fun drive 2 weekends ago now. We ran to Jackson to run some errands and on the way home we saw a bunch of cars driving past us covered in snow so we decided to head the opposite direction from our house. About 25 miles from where we live is a town called Pine Grove (it is up off HWY 88) and it was covered in snow! We didn't realize we lived that close to an altitude that would get snow. But we stopped and let the kids get out and play in it for a few minutes. It was great until they realized their sweatshirts really weren't warm enough. Even Audrey thought the snow was neat though and loved feeling it fall on her face.
Audrey has learned how to say "AHHHNNEEE" it is very cute as she will walk around looking for Annie and calling her.
Other than the kids being sick, life is going well. Charlie signs up for Tee-ball this week. John and Dante are going to coach his team so it should be fun for all three of them!