Saturday, January 19, 2008

plight of the first born

So earlier this week we were watching an old rerun of America's Funniest Home Video and the kids asked if we could make movies like that. John & I quickly felt that guilt you have when you realize that you haven't even dug out the video camera once for your third child and you only have a few short videos of your second - but is been so long she doesn't even know you have one. Well this inspired us to dig ours out and we have had fun this week video tapping the kids.

It was also fun to go back and watch old videos of Charlie (and the few of Annie). It is amazing how quickly he has gone from being our little tiny baby to the big boy he is now. Not to mention how much I think his sister Audrey looks like him.

We had a great week, everyone seems over whatever ailment hit our house and the weather , while still cold has been clear and beautiful so we have spent time outside and at the park during the week. Yesterday as I was vacuuming my car Charlie pulled the girls up and down the street in their wagon. It is so nice to live in a neighborhood where I didn't worry about it at all. I would go out to check on them every few minutes and more often than not, the kids would be stopped and talking with a neighbor who was walking by.

We have a free day today so I am not sure what we are going to be doing, we talked about running some errands and spending the day together which can always be fun. Tomorrow Tim, Tash & the girls are coming over for dinner and to finally exchange our Christmas presents with each other - seriously someone has been sick since Christmas (& they got home from Spokane). It is always fun to watch the cousins play together, especially all 4 little girls.

Well, I think the children are hungry and want breakfast!

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