Monday, May 26, 2008

Cowabunga in the Hole!

Today John took the kids over to the country club to go to the driving range and I was going to go in an order dinner so when they were done it was waiting for them. On the way in I stopped to watch Charlie for a few minutes. He is actually kind of good! It was adorable to watch him hit the ball. But the best part was the girls tonight!

When you get your balls they come in small beach bucket size baskets. Audrey thought these baskets were great and went around picking up all the empty baskets and started out on to the greens to get the yellow balls she thought were Easter Eggs. John dumped some of Charlie's balls out for her and she had a blast picking them up, dumping them out, and repeating it over and over again.

Annie got out one of Charlie's clubs and was putting around with it. At one point John and I hear Annie yell "Cowabunga in the Hole" and then the ball went flying! She was awfully cute - we may have to invest in an even smaller set of clubs for her! (maybe if we start early she can go pro!)

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