Friday, June 6, 2008

Summer Vacation - Day 1

So I am not sure my kids get summer vacation and what the whole deal is yet. Charlie woke up this morning and asked me what time he went to school for first grade. I tried explaining that he has three months off school but he still seems confused. I may have to make a calendar for him so he realizes he has a while.

We had a great first day of Summer Vacation. I took the kids into town to see Kung Fu Panda. It was cute and we had a a great time. Charlie laughed so hard and seemed to love being at the theater. Annie barely weighed enough to keep her chair down. I kind of had to lean my leg on the edge of her chair to keep it from tipping up. Audrey was great and fell a sleep about 20 minutes into the movie and slept the rest of the time. (I kind of planned for that though!)

After the movie I took the kids to Old Navy & Babies r us. I got Audrey a potty chair. I don't think she is ready and/or interested in using it but I figured it was time to just have one out and around for her. Annie potty trained so easily at 2 that I am hoping with two big siblings Audrey is easy!

I also got Annie a few new outfits today. She is giving me a run for my sanity each morning arguing about her clothes. John says I should just let her pick her own outfits and not care what she wears but if you could see her each morning you would understand my dilemma. Yesterday I was helping out a field day so John let her dress herself instead of having her put on the shorts and shirt I left out for her. She showed up at field day wearing a brown and pink flowered skirt with a yellow tank top - inside out, a rainbow sweater with a hood - again inside out, RED socks and pink shoes, oh and I forgot to mention her hair was crazy because she wouldn't let John brush it. SO today she picked out two dresses she said she would wear and two shirts and shorts. UP to this point this summer she wouldn't wear any shorts because she said they are baby pants. Hopefully the outfits we got will tide her over for a little bit and keep the fights to a minimum the next few days.

After shopping we went to Annie's recital practice. It was cute but chaotic. All Audrey wanted to do was get on the stage with the girls. Afterwards we went to Sam's to get some groceries and pizza for dinner. Now everyone is home and all the kids are worn out and sleeping like babies.

It was a great first day of vacation. My goal is to wear them out each day so they fall into bed exhausted! Tomorrow we have a baseball game and Annie is going to a birthday party. John is flying down to SD for the day to go to the memorial services for Marc Edmonds, his bosses son who recently passed away.

It really is an incredible story, Marc was thirty and lived a great life having Muscular Dystrophy. John has become close with Ed and his family over the years. He has even spent a few weeks caring for Marc. John told me that the hardest & most rewarding week of his life was the week of the flood of the San Diego office, hard because he was dealing with the flood situation but the most rewarding because he was also taking care of Marc that week and he said it was a very humbling experience for him.

I hope that we have a great summer - Hopefully our great day today was just a precursor of what is to come!

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