Sunday, July 19, 2009

What a week!

A few times I have meant to sit down and blog but for some reason or another something always seems to come up. Life has been busy but good! Summer Rec finished this week and to celebrate we came down with the flu at our house. There was a point in the middle of the night on Thursday that all three of our bathrooms had people getting sick in them ~ what fun for me to clean up once we were all better!

On a good note though we found out that baby Garrison #4 is a GIRL!!! We don't have a name yet but we are super excited that she is healthy and doing good. My due date at this point is December 6th. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she might be able to make her arrival around the 1st though. I am doing better these days - the morning sickness isn't as bad I just feel exhausted all the time! I could take a nap about 30 minutes after I get up in the morning and I am still tired.

Charlie, Annie and Audrey are doing good - they have loved to have friends over to play on their new water slide and are getting excited that school is going to start soon. Annie can't wait for Kindergarten to start.

John has to go to San Diego for the week so it should be a nice slow week at our house.

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