Tuesday, June 22, 2010

All I am saying....

All I am saying is life is good! Sometimes we get so caught up in what we are doing and where we have to go and what we have to accomplish that we forget to just enjoy life and what is important in it.

If it were 15 years ago right now I would be getting ready to lead a campfire for 125 kids whose siblings all had cancer. Some of those kids had lost a sibling, or they may have been in remission, or going through the trial of cancer right then. My siblings would have been at camp along with me - me being the interloper on their week away. It is easy when you are going through a trial to remember to stop and enjoy your todays.

So my goal for the next 8 weeks is I am going to try to teach my kids how to just enjoy life and that our family is the most important thing in it! We aren't going to worry if the laundry doesn't get folded or there are dishes in the sink, we are going to stay up late and sleep in. We are going to play at the beach, have friends over, go on some adventures. I am going to teach them about Tajar and maybe help them make a lanyard or 2. I am going to tell them about some friends I have had and some memories I have made.

So for this afternoon Annie has had Gracie over all and they have played for hours on the trampoline with the sprinkler or inside with the kitten. Charlie is having a sleepover with the politest friend and they are outside with water guns. Hopefully when they look back they will be able to remember some of the important lessons of life - like enjoying it.

1 comment:

Kiersten said...

good luck with your goal . . . it's a good one. Hope you guys have a great summer.