Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

I just want to make sure my husband knows how much we all love him and appreciate him. He is such a great dad to our kids! He is unfailingly patient with them, the best playmate and role model. He is always willing to have the kids with him and to play with them even after long days at work. He can be bone tired and when Charlie asks to go out on the lake to fish he is always willing to go. He loves his little girls and will promise them the world (just ask Annie - she seems to think he told her he would buy her a pony after she finishes her horse lessons and knows how to take care of and ride one!) He works so hard so the kids can do all the activities they are interested in and he shows up to watch them all!

Thanks John for all you do and for being the greatest dad to our kids!

1 comment:

Kiersten said...

watch out. pretty soon you will have a dog, a cat AND a pony!