Monday, January 26, 2009

Celebration of Life

Today I went to the services for a young man I meet years ago. His name was Ben Underwood. What an amazing young man! At 2 Ben lost his sight to cancer. Ben taught himself at a young age to use echolocation to navigate through life. He could ride a bike, play basketball, he never used a cane or let his lack of eye sight stop him from doing anything. At his service someone said "Ben didn't have sight but he had vision."

I first meet Ben when we was no more than 3 or 4 at a family camp at Camp Okizu. Even then you could tell what an amazing kid he was and his mother was a true inspiration. I hope that I can be that strong for my children as they grow up. I just want to hold my children close, to let them know they can do ANYTHING in this life they want to. I want them to know they are my world, that I hope I can protect them from things in life but that when I can't that I want them to know they are prepared, strong, and capable and that they can face life head on.

If you have a few minutes and want to be truly inspired watch the link about Ben's life. I am very thankful that I got the chance to meet him. The world was truly a better place for having had Ben in it.

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