Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Time flies when you are having fun.

Some days I sit down at the computer and realize it has been a while since I last blogged. The reality is time is flying by -I don't know how it goes so fast but it does.

Things have been great in the Garrison house the last few weeks. While it has been raining a ton we have also had some clear moments that we have taken advantage of. Last Wednesday my friend Helen took the girls and I on a walk around a lake out here that I had no clue had an incredible walking path. It is about a mile & a half around with a really well paved trail. Annie walked it with her friend and we had a great time visiting. I took the kids on the walk again on Thursday and Friday, both with different friends. The kid loved it, they wear their rain boots and jump in the puddles and just be outdoors -which as all mom's know when it has been rainy and wet your kids are chaffing at the bit to do! Hopefully it will still be dry after school today and I can take the kids again.

The potty training is going wonderful. Audrey has been in panties for over a week now and the accidents are very few and far between. I think it is safe to say she is potty trained! Although I am kicking myself on the timing a little bit. We are going to Florida in 2 weeks and I can just envision her little hands touching every disgustingly dirty toilet seat everywhere we go - not to mention once she realizes that all she has to do is say she has to go potty she is going to be able to get out of her seat on the airplane - I am sure we will do it a million times - we might just have to sit in the very back row!

Annie start her Kindergarten orientation this week. I can not believe she is almost five and going to start Kindergarten in the fall. Needless to say she loves it. She has been talking about going for a week. And yesterday morning she got up and had a million questions, When do we go? are we going to the library? Is Mrs. Wathens going to like my dress? Why can't I ride the bus? Why don't I go everyday. What the school does is the kids come once a week for an hour after school for 6 weeks to get to spend time learning what they will do in Kindergarten. I signed Annie up for the day with Mrs. Wathens, Charlie's teacher. Annie was so excited to be a big girl, Mrs. Wathens told me that Annie is ready to teach the class herself - that made me feel good that she wasn't shy or timid.

Preschool is going great. Annie is learning so much and I am proud of Audrey too! She is learning all the zoophonics sounds as well and will tell you what about 1/2 of them are.

Charlie has his last basketball game this week. He has loved it! I think he would rather play basketball than any other sport - even baseball which starts in 2 weeks. Charlie has been working really hard at school lately. I think things are starting to "click" if that makes sense. He has been getting 100% or 90%on his spelling tests for the last 5 weeks. We are so proud of him for working so hard and doing his best.

Last week we went to the fire station for a Tiger Cub field trip. The boys all had a great time. The firemen let the kids shoot the hose and I got some great pictures of both Charlie & Audrey doing it (Annie was at ballet).

Well this week is busy as well but we are counting down to our family vacation and can't wait to be in the warm Florida sunshine in 13 days!

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