Monday, November 2, 2009

The Saga of the Gorilla

I don't think I can do justice to the Gorilla story at our house but these pictures are so cute I can't not try! John got a gorilla mask to wear for Halloween and has loved trying to scare the kids the last week. Audrey really didn't like it at all so she was not happy when he put it on right before the kids went trick or treating!

Audrey was not going to go near daddy, Charlie & Annie for a picture as long as Daddy had the mask on!

Audrey pouting because Daddy wouldn't take off the mask!

Audrey telling Daddy to take off his gorrilla mask and to put it away in the closet.

John took off the mask so Audrey would come take a picture with him.

Audrey was okay getting on Daddy's lap to take a picture without the mask!

John tricked her and slipped it on!

She likes the mask just fine when she wears it! Just not Daddy!!!

PS. John did wear the mask when the doorbell rang once and when 2 of the little kids ran away from the door he took it off!!!

1 comment:

Cynthia Barnett said...

Thank you, Megan, what delightful stories and pictures! Oh I wish I wish I wish we could have all gone Trick or Treating together! But, what gorilla costume were you talking about? John looks like he always looks ...