Sunday, August 17, 2008


That huge sigh of relief you just heard was me being so excited that a week before school starts we are ready! Yesterday I finally gave in and went to the grocery store and restocked our house. Knowing we were going to be out of town for 2 weeks I had let us run out of everything and even if I knew it wasn't perishable I just kept putting it off. Plus I need to stock up on lunch foods so it was a huge undertaking. So by the time I got home and put everything away it was a huge relief. Then last night John & I took the kids to the Folsom outlets and Charlie picked out new shoes for school. He was very cute because he knew what he wanted and was so excited when he got them. Then we got him a bunch of blue jeans and long pants at Oshkosh and while we there he picked out matching lunch box and backpack so that crossed everything off of our list to do before school starts!

We are going to have a really laid back week and try to do some fun things around here. I am sure we will go to the park and the river/lake a few times. I am going to try to make sure we practice going to bed early and getting up at 6:00 each morning. We don't all sleep in around here but it isn't uncommon for everyone to still be asleep at 7:00 or 7:30 and in first grade school starts at 7:50 and the bus comes at 7:10 so we are going to have to practice getting it together early in the day.

Annie has 2 more weeks until preschool starts and she is so excited she is going to be a Monkey this year (pre-k class). I am looking forward to us all being in a routine again but we have had a great summer so it is kind of sad to see it end!

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