Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another Day Another Thing

Last night at bed time Charlie yawned then told John that his ear was hurting. We both told him it would be okay and that it would feel better after he got some sleep. Little did we know! I went on a walk around 9:00 and when I got home at 10:00 he was sitting on the couch sobbing holding his ear. He cried off and on all night and didn't sleep much. At one point in the middle of the night he asked if we could just go to the hospital - the earliest I could get him in to his Dr's was at 2:00 today. We thought he might have an ear infection so we gave him some Tylenol and some benadryl to help him sleep.

He finally stopped crying and fell in to a deep sleep around 5:00 and woke up around 9:30. He stayed home from school and while he looked tired and a little under the weather he was up playing and running around. Right before we went to the Dr's though I looked in his ear and it looked like there was ear wax everywhere. It was pretty gross!

Dr. Isakson took one look in Charlie's ear and said that both ears were infected pretty badly and that one of the ear drums had actually ruptured - hence why he was in such pain. He said once it finally ruptures that it relieves all the pressure and doesn't hurt that much anymore which is why he probably was able to fall asleep.

We got him on antibiotics and antibiotic ear drops and he seems fine. He has been playing all night and seems totally fine! We are so glad he is okay!!!!

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