Sunday, September 14, 2008

Introducing the newest member of the Garrison Family!

Meet Oreo!

Yesterday we adopted Oreo from some friends of ours. The kids were so excited to be getting their own dog! We had dog sat Oreo a few weeks ago and he fit in to our family wonderfully. Annie adores him and carries him around like a baby. When he went to go home she sobbed and sobbed. Our friends have a little girl that was frightened of him and it wasn't getting any easier for her or for Oreo.

Oreo is almost 5 months old and is a Havanese. Right now he is about 5 or 6 pounds and is just the friendliest dog you could imagine. He loves to play with the kids and will curl up where ever they are. It is adorable when Audrey says his name, it comes out like Orrdio. She tries to pick him up and play with him. They have a love hate relationship though, as soon as she takes her binky out of her mouth and drops it or has it in her hand Oreo grabs it and runs off, then she is running after it yelling for her binky which he thinks is a big game. All in all it is really cute.

We are all excited to have Oreo here and are looking forward to having him as part of our family. Do I have to change our title from the Garrison five to the Garrison six for a dog?

1 comment:

Kiersten said...

congrats on the new addition! We can't wait to meet Oreo!