Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Who wouldn't love this girl!

Audrey is turning from a baby to a little girl right before our eyes. Really, it seemed to happen overnight.

She is such a sweet little girl who loves her family & friends so much. I love watching her hug her daddy. She runs up to him and grabs his legs and squeezes. She and Annie have also started to be very loving towards each other, they hug and kiss when they are leaving the room from each other. She doesn't talk a ton but one of my favorite words she says is "larlar" for Charlie.

She has started to make this scowling face that is adorable. She folds her arms then scrunches up her neck and furrows her brows. (she isn't scowling really hard in this picture but you get the idea.) You can't help but smile when you see it!

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